Here's a sign by where we spent the night. I probably should have included it with the sunrise photos I posted earlier.

Here we are at the top. We finally made it. I think Meg looks happy and I just look plain tired. It's not my favourite photo ever, but all I cared about at this point was getting a photo and then getting down the mountain and to our hotel.

Here's a torii at the top. I thought it looked pretty cool with the clouds. I really like toriis too.

Here's another photo I really like of Meg at the top. Again, I love the sky behind her and the clouds below her. I'm glad we have a few really great photos of her at the top. Nothing that can compare to my one with Raj in the pouring rain...but close.

We've got lots of news and crazy stories from the last week that we'll start posting again soon. Meg has a job and we're very excited about that. She's also on her way back to the US for a couple of weeks on Saturday. I'll be holding the fort here and trying to keep people from stealing our appliances (you probably think I'm joking...).
do you have a dishwasher? i could really use a dishwasher
It looks like the trip really worked out! I'm glad for you both!
I'm also glad that Paul finally has proof that he's been to the top of Mt. Fuji, since last time he claimed to do it, all he had to show for it was Raj & himself against a grey backdrop that I still suspect was the back wall o fa Kwik-E mart.
Breathing that air is all we needed for proof...you know like when you climb your 9 steps to your apartment.
Sadly, we don't have a dishwasher. If we did I'm sure they would have taken that too.
We do have a tiny fridge now. I have to get on my knees to open it. It's super.
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