Friday, April 4, 2008

Time Flies...

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two weeks since Easter weekend. I spent that weekend almost entirely in Seoul – on Saturday, I got my hair cut and picked up some groceries (a 7 hour day), and Sunday we went in to church early in the morning. When we returned around 12:30, Paul went to bed with a cold, and I spent the afternoon cooking Easter dinner. I burnt the ham in the toaster oven, but everything else came out okay.

Paul’s parents arrived the following Thursday night. Their flight came in early, and they beat us to the bus station. We had planned to take them to a few of the local sights on the weekend; unfortunately, it was a rather rainy weekend, so I’m afraid that the only sight of Korea they saw was our movie theater. They also walked around our town for a bit; I think they were a bit thrown off by the uneven sidewalks. Both Paul and I are eager for them to notice how dirty our little town is, but that might be something that only comes with time. It sort of grows on you – like a small headache that doesn’t leave for days on end. You think it’s not that bad at first, but after a while, it becomes a real pain.

And now, we’ve magically moved through yet another week teaching. It seems like every Thursday, we’re amazed that the week is almost over. We’ve been here seven months, next Saturday. It certainly doesn’t seem that long. For all that we don’t like about Korea, our time here is passing quickly. And I’ve never watched so much television in my life.

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