The fall leaves were more impressive than I though they'd be.

This is me in front of Namdaemun gate. The gate was built at the end of the fourteenth century and apparently helped to protect the city from tigers (if you can trust wikipedia). Now it serves as a gateway to Namdaemun market. The market is pretty cool actually. I'll try and post some photos from there in the near future.
Also, apparently this gate was the basis for Darnassus in the World of Warcraft (I know at least one of our readers will find that interesting).

Meg in Olympic Park. See if you can spot the American flag in the background. I'm pretty sure Meg's standing on the exact spot where they took away Ben Johnson's gold medal (give or take a few miles).

This is Meg on the stairs at Wa Woo Jeung Sa (A Buddhist Temple). The same place that I posted images from last week.

Finally, Meg laughs at me while I fiddle with my camera. I'm pretty sure I said something really funny and it had nothing to do with my wife thinking I'm a camera nerd. Our friend Brenda took this photo. I think she really captured a moment.
Well that's all for now. I have the day off on Thursday because all the final year high school students are writing the most important exam they'll ever write (the Korean equivalent of the SATS). The school beside mine is hosting one of the test sites and my school is closed for the day so "we don't make any noise that might distract the students writing the test". My friend Kevin's co-worker told him that they even cancel all air traffic over Korea for a couple of hours while the test takes place (we're not sure if this is actually true). I'm just happy to have the day off (unfortunately Meg has to work). I'll be heading into Seoul to try and get Vietnamese visas for our trip next month. Once our schools shut down we're heading off to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand for a couple of weeks. We're getting excited already. Angkor Wat has been the places I've wanted to see the most for the past four or five years. We just booked our plane tickets on Monday and are ironing out the details now.
Hope all is well back in the West.
Hey Paul & Meg,
Really nice pics of you guys, and good to see you smiling so much and sounding like you're enjoying yourselves in korea.
All the best,
Like the new shoes - Raj
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